Howdy folks! How is everyone doing today?

I’m Amanda, a writer with EMS University. Today, we’re discussing the best tips for new EMT hires. If you just aced your exam and secured a position at a station, buckle up, because this blog is for you!

  1. First things first, try to absorb as much as knowledge you can from the more experienced professionals around. It’s absolutely necessary to learn from your colleagues; particularly the ones with more hands-on experience. Don’t take this tip for granted as it is possible to learn something new everyday as an EMT.
    2. Be professional. You’re doing something hard and completely new; it is understandable you’ll be nervous. However, you’ll want to remain composed and calm in front of your patients and their family. They need someone to handle their emergency with a level head. Even appearing calm and collected will give your patient and their family some peace of mind.
    3. Ask Questions. This one’s related to rule #1. Pretending that you know everything is detrimental to your growth as an EMT. Asking questions will keep you from making hasty, rookie mistakes under pressure.
    4. Have a water bottle and snack handy. You know the popular saying “take care of yourself before you care for others?” This idea rings true to the world of EMS— you can’t run your body through the ringer without fueling your body with proper nourishment. P.S. running on fast food every day, isn’t the best move but you already know that.
    5. Take care of yourself. This includes getting plenty of rest, hydration, and making time for your favorite type of exercise. Calming actives include walking, stretching, and dancing.
    6. Speak to your partners with respect. This one can be hard because you’ll be under constant pressure. Instead of saying “that’s wrong,” ask in a helpful tone “Should it look like that?”
    7. Show some courtesy. If you’re waiting with a patient, kindly ask them if they are cold or comfortable. Ask what you can do for them. This attitude will help things run smoother. Nobody appreciates someone who acts annoyed to do their job.
    8. Learn from your mistakes. Everyone will mess up more than once. It’s important to actively be conscious of how you’re internalize criticism. Listen to feedback and show you are willing to learn.
    Congratulations on getting the job! Now go save some lives.
